Continuing Education

Monthly Classes for Digital Storytellers

Continually cultivate your craft of Digital Storytelling

There are endless ways to enhance your skills as a Digital Storytelling Facilitator once the basic principles are learned. Common Language Continuing Education classes are designed to cultivate understanding of specific storytelling, video editing, and group facilitation tools to enhance your ability to facilitate transformative Digital Storytelling experiences and compelling Digital Stories. These online courses are offered monthly to Common Language DST certified facilitators so that they can meet Continuing Education requirements. Below are some examples of topic areas covered.

Video Editing

Music Editing

The difference between a good Digital Story and a great Digital Story is music. Editing music so that the crescendos, softer sections, bass drum hits, etc. is coordinated with the emotional content of the story is an essential but often overlooked skill. Learn to edit a song so that even the composer couldn’t tell the difference.


Playing with the pacing and timing images/video can create a powerful emotional and visceral response in the viewer. Fast moving images create a chaotic feeling. Slow images create a soft, reflective emotion. Varying the pacing and timing of images is one of the best tools to convey the inner emotional experience.


Every transition creates a different feeling, and together they can have a big influence on the emotional experience of the viewer. Some video editing programs, such as Final Cut Pro, offer numerous transition possibilities in addition to 3rd party plug-ins and templates. Learn to use these creative tools to craft visually stunning stories.

Storytelling Form

The Principle of Antagonism

Without conflict, there is no story, but when telling stories about our own lives, it can be easy to shy away from exploring the conflicts we face. This class will explore the “dark side” of storytelling and think about ways to help people write the conflicts of their lives in a way that enhances their wellbeing.

The Controlling Idea

What is this story really about? This is the fundamental question that all Digital Storytelling facilitators must be able to help participants answer. We often don’t understand the deeper themes of our life good Digital Storytelling facilitation will give participants new insight into why that piece of their life story matters to them.

Story Structure

There are many different ways to conceptualize storytelling and this class will explore the different ways that stories have been theorized throughout the ages ending with modern screenwriting principles. Even short Digital Stories can benefit from a deeper understanding of structure.

Facilitation Skills

Good Questions

Asking participants good questions is essential to helping them understand, and craft meaning from, the events of their lives. Drawing on the principles of hermeneutic research interviewing, this class will help Digital Storytelling facilitators learn how to listen deeply, and follow leads. Through the class discussion and practice facilitators will learn to unlock the deep wisdom contained in the life stories of the people they meet.

The Story Circle

The Story Circle is the active ingredient in the Digital Storytelling process. It is where the creative energy of a group of two or more people is harnessed to create compelling and insightful stories. Facilitating a Story Circle is an art form in itself, and this class will help participants understand the positive and productive processes at play so that they can enhance the experience for participants and create more compelling stories.

Contact Us.

If you have any questions about the trainings or how you could incorporate Digital Storytelling into your work, please contact us. We are happy to work with you to develop a custom training program to fit you or your organizations needs.