International DST Community of Practice

Meet DST Facilitators from

Around the World

After connecting at the 1st International Digital Storytelling Festival in Zakynthos, Greece, an international group of DST facilitators decided to meet four times a year to talk about their DST projects and to learn from each other. These meetings are semi-structured with new attendees talking about their DST background and projects, updates from continuing members, and a small group discussion question on various DST Facilitation topics. The goal of these meetings is not to provide specific advice, training or teaching about DST, but to learn from each other's DST facilitation experiences and support each other. Recordings of each meeting will be shared with the group for the benefit of those who could not attend. It is our hope that together we can continue to develop DST into a well-known, person-centred genre of media production that can help address the challenges facing our world today.

Register to attend the International DST Community of Practice Meetings