Digital Storytelling Facilitator Training

Work with Individuals

Learn to work with participants one-on-one to create meaningful and compelling Digital Stories.

Level-1 Training Overview

This foundational, 54-hour online training is the platform on which you can begin to develop your own personal Digital Storytelling Facilitation style and skills. Trainees will create their own Digital Story, learn more about the technical and theoretical foundations of Digital Storytelling, and then have the opportunity to work directly with a storytelling participant to help them create a meaningful and compelling digital story.

Level-1 Training Outline

Session #1 (3hrs) - Introduction to Digital Storytelling Webinar

Session #2-3 (16hrs) - Experience: Create your own Digital Story (even if you have made one before…)

Session #4-5 (16hrs) - Learn: Technical and Theoretical Underpinnings of Digital Storytelling Facilitation

Session #6-7 (16hrs) - Practice: Facilitate the Creation of Digital Story with a Participant

Session #8 (3hrs) - Digital Story Screening/Celebration and Preparing for What’s Next

Course Details


2025 Training Dates:*
Winter: January 23, 27, 30, February 3, 6, 8, 9, 13

Spring: May 14, 16, 21, 28, 30, June 7, 8, 16

Fall: Oct 20, 27, 29, Nov 3, 5, 15, 16, 24

*These dates are open enrolment, if you would like a private training for your organization, please contact us.

Class Size:
Minimum 4 - Maximum 6 Trainees

$2,950 for 54 hours of instruction, all training materials,
and a 1 Year Membership to the Common Language Collective (more details below)

Certification Provides

  • Preferred media insurance rates

  • Subscriptions to royalty free stock video, image, and music websites

  • Ethical consults with Common Language staff

  • Continuing education courses

  • Ongoing connection with supportive community of dedicated DST facilitators

  • …And more!

The Common Language Collective

One of the most important aspects of becoming a skilled and reflexive Digital Storytelling Facilitator is mentorship. The Common Language Advantage is that all trainees have the option of joining the Common Language Collective and becoming a CLDST Certified DST Facilitator after completion of their course.

Contact Us.

If you have any questions about the trainings or how you could incorporate Digital Storytelling into your work, please contact us. We are happy to work with you to develop a custom training program to fit you or your organizations needs.