East Africa DST Facilitator
Training Hub
Local People telling Local Stories
to Improve Health and Wellness in East Africa
Common Language has a strong partnership with Mbarara University of Science and Technology in SW Uganda and the University of Calgary Department of Indigenous, Local, & Global Health in the Cumming School of Medicine. The unique model of DST facilitation developed for use in the Ugandan context involves a team-based approach with each facilitator specializing in a specific phase of the DST process. The team has trained DST Facilitators from Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Malawi who are all using their DST skills to tell stories that improve the health of their communities. Together, these DST Facilitators are having a large impact in East Africa.
A Shared Dream
Digital Storytelling to Support Gender Equality in East Africa
Beginning in 2017, Common Language Digital Storytelling has created a strong partnership with Mbarara University of Science and Technology in Southwestern Uganda and the University of Calgary Department of Indigenous, Local, & Global Health in the Cumming School of Medicine. Working together they have developed a unique model of Digital Storytelling (DST) facilitation for use in the East African context which involves a team-based approach with each facilitator specializing in a specific phase of the DST process (Finding, Telling, Crafting, Sharing). This documentary is meant to highlight this unique DST Facilitation model as well as demonstrate how Digital Stories can stimulate compelling conversations about global health topics and in doing so, help encourage the women and girls of East Africa to pursue their dreams.
Images of DST Work at the East Africa Hub
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